5 thoughts on “canyoufeeltheconncetion

  1. Shayla Scott

    I like how you interpreted a sense of connection in your artwork piece. Your work caught my eye and made me think about all the connectivity involved in reality today. I sense three different types of connections such as touch, Wi-Fi and the connection with the heart. Also I like the fact that you put a noticeable background for people to really recognize your piece. I loved it! One of my favorites.

  2. Keshawn

    I like how you used that particular art to collaborate with your text. Your work grabbed my attention because I found it kind of ironic because majority of the time we don’t really don’t “Feel the connection”. Lol

  3. MiQuel Rowell-Peterson

    This is probably my favorite piece out of the entire zine. I love the Louis Vuitton background and the tie in of religion and the centering of the wi-fi symbol. The symbolism of the entire piece is awesome. Very well implemented and thought out. Kudos.


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