5 thoughts on “Collaborative-ZINE-4-clear

  1. Michael Plamo

    I love the concept of this with Uncle Sam of how it is went from it’s “I want you” to this “Machine wants you.” It’s very interesting to interpret of how technology is taking everybody. The design of this was really nice as well with the dark almost space background which mixes well with the neon like text and red bars. Well Done!

  2. Baylen

    I’d have to say i totally agree with what Michael said and think you did a good job of creating art and using subliminal messages to get your Points across. Uncle Sam is a early legend of a very, very common national personification of governments, or the United States in general that, that the man is “watching” and always wants your money and taxes. Then with “MACHINE wants you”,as if you are a piece of machinery to keep them going. Like how society keeps the government running; with a red underline under machine, a black background, with red starlike spots of lights, it gives and omanis feel.

  3. Anil Ramdin

    I love how simple yet effective this design is. It almost makes me rethink what I know about technology which is evidence of powerful design. I love seeing people make plays on famous quotes and lines, it helps bridge the viewer towards understanding you concept by using these familiar elements.


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