Category Archives: Assignments

Week #2

Week 2 – The Elements of Design:

We began our course and first assignment / project here in MMA 100 last week and will start our second class by reviewing the thumbnails, roughs and comps individually generated by the class. We will discuss the critique process and presenting our thumbnails, roughs and comps in the group setting. 

Did you miss week #1 and its information, including assignment #1 (Part 1)? Review it here.

We will spend the second half of our class time working on part 2 of the Postcard project. We will get familiar with our work stations, get started with adobe photoshop, electronic imaging, scanning / photo documenting images and artwork, creating and working with various file types and bringing our roughs & comps into photoshop to produce the finished design.

Are you looking for a photoshop psd. file template example to create, format and submit your postcard? (edit and change the layers as you need to) Go here ––

**All Students will e-mail their finished Post card assignment to me as a jpg. file or

Did you find research materials and examples for the Postcard project? 

Here are a few more reference examples – Click here

Vintage Postcards   – and here are tons of NYC World’s Fair Postcard examples 

We have a huge selection of OER Resources on our class resources page here too

*This Week’s Exercise – Cutting out Images in Photoshop / Making Graphic Assets: Cutting out images in various fragments is a task that all graphic designers will face on a regular basis. Learning various methods for cutting out images is a necessity. We will explore, experiment and share a few methods on how. 

Students will select and practice from 2-3 images from a public domain, OER or creative commons sources on the Internet or they may use images that they have on their devices. Again, We have a huge selection of OER Resources on our class resources page here too

(This technique will be applied to the post card project if necessary).

Video Screening: Cutting out images in Photoshop (examples)

These tutorials above will help get you started with our class exercise, but ultimately, you will need to master the pen tool in both photoshop and illustrator for the cleanest vector cut outs. The video below is a great tutorial.

(Is there a specific tutorial that you learned from recently or over time? Share the URL link with a description of your experience in the comments section below)

Elements of Design: 

The Elements & Principles of Design are the governing vocabulary that define, illustrate and communicate how Graphic Design functions all around us. We will start with the Elements.

Color – typically known as hue. This word represents a specific color or light wavelength found in the color spectrum, ranging circularly from red to yellow, green, blue and back to red.

Line – is a line just a series of points? Or is it the best way to get from point “A” to point “B”? As a geometric conception, a line is a point in motion, with only one dimension – length. Line has both a position and a direction in space. The variables of line are: size, shape, position, direction, number, interval and density. Points create lines, lines create shapes or planes and volume.

Mass – Here, mass is interchangeable with volume. A mass is a solid body or a grouping of visual elements (line, color, texture, etc.) that compose a solid form. Volume is a three-dimensional form comprising length, width, and depth. Three-dimensional forms contain points (vertices), lines (edges), and planes (surfaces). A mass is the two-dimensional appearance of a three-dimensional form.

Movement – Also known as motion. This element portrays the act or process of changing place or direction, orientation, and/or position through the visual illustration of starting or stopping points, blurring of action, etc. This is not animation, although animation is an end product of movement, as well as other elements of design.

Space – A two-or three-dimensional element defined by other elements of design.

Texture – A technique used in two-dimensional design to replicate three-dimensional surfaces through various drawing and media techniques. On three-dimensional surfaces, it is experienced by touch or by visual experience.

Type – Also known as typography, and it is considered an element in graphic design. Although it consists of elements of design, it is – in itself – often an element in the form of visual communication.

Value – Another word for the lightness or darkness of an area. Brightness measured in relationship to a graded scale from white to black.

What are some of today’s trends in Graphic Design? Lets take a look at this video below.


Assignment #2 – Part 1 & 2

Assignment Specifications: Students will generate a series of visual examples and solutions to communicate and illustrate the vocabulary of the elements of design. Each term will display an example of : Color, Line, Mass, Movement, Space, Texture, Type & Value.

Size: – 8.5″ X 8.5″ – The final design will be a composite of 8 squares composed and arranged by each student.


Part 1. Student will first create a layout based on research and investigation via the Internet and class resources. Each term for the elements of design will be illustrated by cutting, formatting and placing the example into a composite. (the example below is one example, you can create your own)

Part 2. Students will generate their own examples of each term using techniques learned in class with both photoshop and adobe illustrator.

R&D – Where will you find visual inspiration and research?


Students will prepare their final works for both print out put in (CMYK) as well as presentation and application on the web (RGB).

Due dates for next week: We will be working on and completing part 1 of this project in class  2/14. Part 2 will be due on Wednesday 2/21/18.

Blank Template example of the layout. (not including the border around the image)



Week #1

Welcome to MMA 100!

Please be sure to bookmark our class website and make sure that you are receiving e-mail notifications properly. You can always refer to our website for the week to week calendar of classwork, class lectures, resources, assignments and deadlines.

**Please review the course syllabus here**

Week 1What is Graphic Design?
Class introductions and learning potentials –  Design Solutions: Strategy, Concept, Design, Execution & Production
Exploring the Design Process: Thumbnails, Roughs & Comps
Assignment #1

Logos by Paul Rand

What is Graphic Design?

“Graphic design, also known as communication design, is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. The form it takes can be physical or virtual and can include images, words, or graphics. The experience can take place in an instant or over a long period of time. The work can happen at any scale, from the design of a single postage stamp to a national postal signage system. It can be intended for a small number of people, such as a one-off or limited-edition book or exhibition design, or can be seen by millions, as with the interlinked digital and physical content of an international news organization. It can also be for any purpose, whether commercial, educational, cultural, or political.” Via – Juliette Cezzar

Read the full essay here –

Great explanation of Graphic Design, but what about the speed of the video??

Poster Design by Milton Glaser

The History of Graphic Design – We will be exploring and referencing Design history in our class. Lets explore these two references below over the course of this week.

Design –

Key Moments in Graphic Design / Timeline –

Logo rough by Carolyn Davidson

Class Discussion: What is the Design Process? How do designers create strategies? Move from research to sketch, thumbnails to roughs and comps? What do these terms mean?

Thumbnails – Simply put, thumbnails are small sketches. Projects always begin with thumbnail sketches. No matter how tempted you are to get working with the computer and its software right away, thumbnail sketch practice is essential in the design process. Each project will require 6-9 thumbnail sketches. This practice will keep your idea muscles sharp!

Examples of Thumbnail Sketches

Roughs – Roughs are full scale renderings of your selected thumbnails. They are sized to the specific dimensions of your project. Roughs are about making the needed revisions and necessary decisions to meet the many challenges you may discover in the process.

Examples of Roughs & Comps – What is the visual difference between a rough and a comp?  Lets find examples together.

Comps –  (short for comprehensive) or a final comp, is the plan and official map that is ready for production. It is ready for publishing on the web, or print production with a printer or printing company. The comp is ready to  share with your client (or your professor 🙂 as it will fully communicate all aspects of your project and assignment. A final comp will be produced for each project in our class.

Assignment #1 (Part 1) – Post Card Design

We will be designing a standard sized Postcard to promote and communicate one of the following messages below (students must choose one)

1- A cause that you are passionate about

2 – An up and coming event that you would like to promote

Assignment Specifications:

Size: The final design will be 4″ X 6″ in size. (Students should decide on the arrangement of the height and width, will your postcard be a horizontal or vertical image?


R&D – Where will you find visual inspiration and research? Flickr? NYPL Digital Archives?

1 – Thumbnail sketches – Students will generate a series of 6-9 thumbnails sketches using pencil and their sketchbooks to brain storm and illustrate their process.

2 – Roughs – Students will select the 2-3 strongest thumbnail sketches and develop them into 1 rough scaled to the 4″X6″ size in pencil.

3 – Students will produce a final comprehensive pencil rendering scaled to size ready for scanning and application using photoshop. Students will experiment with various image manipulating techniques and styles to develop contrasts and visual interest.


Students will prepare their final work for both print out up in (CMYK) as well as presentation and application on the web (RGB).

Due dates for next week: 

Thumbnail studies, Roughs & Comps Due at the beginning of next weeks class 2/7 @5:30pm