Week #3
Lets recap on Week#2 – class information and assignment? Go here.
Postcard Presentations! Assignment #1 is Due. Lets talk about screen presentations and printing formats – Class critique of the completed first project.
Assignment #2 – Part 1 & 2
Assignment Specifications: Students will generate a series of visual examples and solutions to communicate and illustrate the vocabulary of the elements of design. Each term will display an example of : Color, Line, Mass, Movement, Space, Texture, Type & Value.
Size: – 8.5″ X 8.5″ – The final design will be a composite of 8 squares composed and arranged by each student.
Part 1 – Student will first create a layout based on research and investigation via the Internet and class resources. Each term for the elements of design will be illustrated by cutting, formatting and placing the example into a composite. (the example below is one example, you can create your own)
Part 2 – Students will generate their own examples of each term using techniques learned in class with both photoshop and adobe illustrator.
R&D – Where will you find visual inspiration and research?
1 – Thumbnail sketches – Students should generate a series of thumbnails sketches using pencil and their sketchbooks (or their preferred method) to brain storm and illustrate their process.
Students will prepare their final works for both print out put in (CMYK) as well as presentation and application on the web (RGB).
Due dates for next week: We will be working on and completing part 1 of this project in class 2/14. Part 2 will be due on Wednesday 2/21/18.
Blank Template example of the layout. (not including the border around the image)
The Principles of Design
The principles of design are applicable to all design disciplines including – but not exclusive to – architecture, art, graphics, fashion, industrial design, poetry, writing, and web design.
The principles of design are tools used to format the elements of design.
Balance – The elements of design converge to create a design or arrangement of parts that appear to be a whole with equilibrium.
Contrast – The “automatic principle.” Whenever an element is placed within a format, contrast is created in the various elements. Can be emphasized with contrast in size, shape, color,
Direction – Utilizing movement to create the visual illusion of displacement.
Economy – A principle operating on the “slim.” Especially important when dealing with clients, where their product or service is more important than the elaboration of design elements. Can also be considered “precise,” or “simplistic.” Or, it can be considered great design.
Emphasis – Also known as dominance. This condition exists when an element or elements within a visual format contain a hierarchy of visual importance.
Proportion – A two- or three-dimensional element defined by other elements of design.
Rhythm – A recurrence or repetition of one or more elements within a visual format, creating harmony.
Unity – Oneness, Harmony, The condition of completeness with the use of all visual elements within a format.
What is Color Theory? The Color Wheel – Lets talk color!
Useful Articles on Color Theory: We will be discussing more on Color Theory & its application this week!
(Please respond to one of the articles below in the comments section)
Who is Aaron Draplin??

Logos by Aaron Draplin
Designer Inspiration? Who’s who in the field?
50 Graphic Designers We all Should Know About