Week #7

Week #7 & (Week 6 – Snow Storm Catch-Up & Review)

Did you miss week #6 ? Re-cap here Go HERE

(Week #6s’ website content included several resources on typography, color theory and two great talks by John Maeda).

Upon arrival to class this evening 3/14 please review the information below:

1. Please print and pin up your Elements & Principles of Design assignments (print as pdf. files)** Class critique.

2.  Class Exercise – If you have not yet done so, Please complete the lab work on week #5s in class assignment on shape, form, variety, color & composition using Illustrator. Click here for a .pdf example.

*Be sure to add your name and course info as seen in the example. Print your work as a .pdf as well as by exporting it for the web as a .jpeg file (we will recap in class).

3. Class Discussion & Assignment – Applying type to Images, fonts, typefaces, composition, formatting and output for print & the web..

Typefaces and Fonts are built out of shapes and forms. Integrated with color and interesting compositions they become a powerful tool for creative output and the ability to solve design problems through visual communication.

Assignment – Poster Design with Type & the Alphabet. Create a new poster design using typography. Students will generate a balanced composition using each individual letter of the alphabet. The examples above are just a few potential examples of style, simplicity and efficiency.

Size requirements – 8.5 inches X 11 inches

Typefaces – Limit yourself to no more than 5-6 different fonts and 4 color values.

Step 1 – Find and discover your own inspiration and share the URLs in the comments section below. Each student will add 2-3 Urls of their inspiration in the comment section before starting this assignment.

Things to consider – Layout & balance – Using rulers and grids. Free transformation & typesetting style.



4. **Midterm Project Discussion & Assignment**

Specific Communication – Composition, Type, Image & Color – Solving Problems

Project Title – “Collaborative ZINE”

We are at the mid-point of the semester! Wow! Lets discuss our Mid-term project and up coming critique. We will have a full lab session to work on and prepare our Mid-term projects next week during our class time on 3/21/18 . We will present our final designs in class on 3/28/18.

Design Specs – You have been selected to contribute 2 pages to a collaborative magazine that produces a quarterly publication in both a printed edition and an online digital version. Your submission to the publication will creatively display how technology and creativity are powerful tools for inspiration, digital storytelling, communication and design. You have the creative freedom to produce and generate with full autonomy.

Size Requirements – 8.5 X 11 inches Vertical

Submissions – pdf. for print (display for class critique on 3/28/18) and one high resolution jpeg. for the digital zine publication on this website. (Convert to smart object and e-mail to me).



11 thoughts on “Week #7

  1. Petra Zion

    Typography is a challenge to me, because I got easily lost to try to tell a story and forgot to follow up the elements and principles of design.
    I started out with one of my first inspiration sources, Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/explore/typography/
    Other inspiration is my sister. She started recently to do handwriting typography. I checked this page out:
    and here is one of her first works:

    My first idea was to keep it simple just letters in a box with only 2 fonts and just a few colors, spring related colors. I found myself again in the need to tell a story and I did. The boxes changed to chess fields, but I stopped myself to create an overkill battle with the letters.

    Here is my inspiration source for keep it simple (love those designs):

      1. Ryan Seslow Post author

        This is a great article as well! There are many fonts and typefaces out there are free. Many of them come pre-installed on our computers. These typefaces server a great purpose and are familiar but you will need to go beyond the default at some point, and this is exciting. Before making any purchases of fonts or typefaces I would dig into some free resources. I will be posting a series of links for this in out up and coming classes.

    1. Ryan Seslow Post author

      Great work on this Petra! Great links too! These will be great resources for our classmates. Typography is vast, and there are many designers that focus exclusively on just that. The key is, becoming aware, with regular practice. Keep asking critical questions about what is produced and make revisions.


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