Monthly Archives: November 2018

Week #11 – Fall 2018

Moving forward –>

Typography Assignment – PART 2 (as discussed in class on 11/21 and will continue on 11/28)

We will have a class critique on Wednesday 11/28 – a printed version of this assignment will be presented by each student. You will select two of your designs from Part 1 and print them as a single tabloid page.

Students will create a new 11″X17″ tabloid layout set for print in Adobe Illustrator. (You may use use multiple art boards to create iterations) Students will apply a series of their designs from part 1 into a collaborative magazine for print and the web.

*Student submissions of the completed project:

Student will submit both Part 1 & Part 2 of the project to me via e-mail saved as a .PDF file. Please send to – [email protected] no later than Friday 11/30/18

FINAL PROJECT Discussion – Its time to discuss our final project! A class discussion about our final project will take place at the end of our class critique tonight.

BMCC MMA100 – Makerspace Physical Computing​ Workshop – 11/28

Makerspace Physical Computing​ Workshop

Wed, November 28, 2018
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
BMCC, 199 Chambers Street
Room S608
Learn the basics of physical computing – the building of physical interfaces to control technology. You will learn how to build a circuit and how to program the Arduino microcontroller which is a small computer used with inputs like switches and sensors, and outputs like LEDs, speakers or motors.


Open to all BMCC Students. No prior experience necessary.
Refreshments will be served.

Week #10 – Fall 2018

Project #5 – Class Discussion & Assignment – Applying type to Images, fonts, typefaces, composition, formatting and output for print & the web..

Typefaces and Fonts are built out of shapes and forms. Integrated with color and interesting compositions they become a powerful tool for creative output and the ability to solve design problems through visual communication.


PART 1 –

Assignment – Poster Design with Type & the Alphabet. Create 3 (YES – three variations)  a new poster design series using and applying balanced typography in adobe illustrator. Students will generate and demonstrate both a balanced and unconventional composition using each individual letter of the alphabet. (A-Z) The examples above are just a few potential ways to display style, simplicity, order and efficiency. A demonstration will be given in class.

Size requirements – 8.5 inches X 11 inches (or larger – 11″ x 14″)

Typefaces – Limit yourself to no more than 2-3 different fonts and 4 color values.

Step 1Find and discover your own inspiration and share the URLs in the comments section below. Each student will add 2-3 URLS of their inspiration in the comment section before starting this assignment.

Things to consider – Layout & balance – Using rulers, guides and grids. Free transformation & typesetting style.

*COMPOSITION and command over the picture plane and its chosen dimensions.

PART 2 – (as discussed in class on 11/21 and will continue on 11/28)

Students will create a new 11″X17″ tabloid layout set for print in Adobe Illustrator. Students will apply a series of their designs from part 1 into a collaborative magazine for print and the web.

Video Resources to explore:


Week # 9 – Fall 2018 – Midterm Critique, Type & Fonts

(This post card Ad is only a simulation, not an actual event)


I will give a demonstration on how to print your Mid-Term projects from Illustrator when you arrive to class. Mid-term projects will be saved as a .PDF file from Illustrator and e-mailed to me – [email protected] – Mid-term projects will also be exported for the web and saved as a high resolution JPEG file. These files will also be e-mailed to me.

**Mid-term projects are both vertical and horizontal files sized at 11″X17″.

We will be critiquing all completed student work during this class session. All students will participate in the critique. The visual critique is NOT a work session using the computers.


Project #5 – Class Discussion & Assignment – Applying type to Images, fonts, typefaces, composition, formatting and output for print & the web..

Typefaces and Fonts are built out of shapes and forms. Integrated with color and interesting compositions they become a powerful tool for creative output and the ability to solve design problems through visual communication.

Assignment – Poster Design with Type & the Alphabet. Create 2 new poster designs using typography in adobe illustrator. Students will generate both a balanced and unconventional composition using each individual letter of the alphabet. The examples above are just a few potential examples of style, simplicity and efficiency. A demonstration will be given in class.

Size requirements – 8.5 inches X 11 inches

Typefaces – Limit yourself to no more than 2-3 different fonts and 4 color values.

Step 1 – Find and discover your own inspiration and share the URLs in the comments section below. Each student will add 2-3 URLS of their inspiration in the comment section before starting this assignment.

Things to consider – Layout & balance – Using rulers and grids. Free transformation & typesetting style.